Print Color Schemes
We offer a variety of print color schemes in each category
The following palettes are available:
- CMYK - the so-called full color (triad), found in color computer printers, large format plotters, and offset printing machines, is the most popular among all the other palettes used in printing. It consists of 4 primary (process) colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. These component colors, shaded through halftoning, overlap in appropriate proportions to create various colors needed to produce a colorful photograph in print. The CMYK color palette has limited capabilities (gamut), so it is often combined with colors from the Pantone palette in packaging printing. More information about CMYK
- PANTONE - a palette of 15 base colors from which various special colors are achieved according to the recipe. This palette offers colors often unattainable in CMYK, as well as metallic colors (gold, silver), white, bright, etc. Pantone printing allows you to exclude halftoning and achieve a uniform surface, as well as clear small marks, letters, thin lines, e.g., from gray. In the case of CMYK, colors are simulated through halftoning (tiny dots) and overlapping 4 layers of process colors, making it impossible to achieve high repeatability and sharpness of some details. For example: using Pantone, we can print a solid gray surface; in the case of CMYK, gray will be simulated by halftoning (dots) of black color. Pantone printing is very popular for high-quality corporate materials and packaging such as business cards, letterheads, company envelopes, labels, packaging, etc. More information about Pantone
Why is Pantone printing so expensive?
Pantone printing requires the use of special ink ordered from a mixing facility. Printing takes place on a large offset machine where we first need to replace the ink with this special one. Normally, C M Y K (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) inks reside in the offset machine. Replacing the ink involves cleaning the entire inking unit, emptying the ink fountain, and loading the new ink. After the printing process, the steps must be repeated to restore the unit to its previous state. The ink replacement process takes at least an hour during which the machine could print other CMYK jobs, earning its keep. The offset machine is designed for large productions; therefore, during printing, it consumes a lot of paper before the color stabilizes, generating waste included in the product's price. In the case of CMYK printing in small quantities, printing is done on a smaller (digital) machine that can print single sheets without generating material waste. Unfortunately, in CMYK printing, some colors are unattainable, and their equivalents look completely different.
Basic set of Pantone colors:
Pantone Yellow | |
Pantone Orange 050 | |
Pantone Warm Red | |
Pantone Red 032 |
Pantone Rhodamine Red | |
Pantone Rubine Red | |
Pantone Blue 072 | |
Pantone Reflex Blue |
Pantone Green | |
Pantone Purple | |
Pantone Black | |
Pantone Process Black |
Pantone Process Blue | |
Pantone Process Cyan | |
Pantone Process Magenta | |
Pantone Process Yellow |
Other colors according to Pantone
Pantone 100 | |
Pantone 101 | |
Pantone 109 | |
Pantone 115 | |
Pantone 116 | |
Pantone 150 | |
Pantone 150 | |
Pantone 1505 | |
Pantone 150 | |
Pantone 150 | |
Pantone 134 | |
Pantone 136 | |
Pantone 137 | |
Pantone 139 | |
Pantone 141 | |
Pantone 148 | |
Pantone 151 | |
Pantone 154 | |
Pantone 155 | |
Pantone 157 | |
Pantone 162 | |
Pantone 1625 | |
Pantone 163 | |
Pantone 165 | |
Pantone 168 | |
Pantone 169 | |
Pantone 170 | |
Pantone 172 | |
Pantone 174 | |
Pantone 176 | |
Pantone 177 | |
Pantone 178 | |
Pantone 1797 | |
Pantone 180 | |
Pantone 182 | |
Pantone 183 | |
Pantone 184 | |
Pantone 185 | |
Pantone 501 | |
Pantone 502 | |
Pantone 5025 | |
Pantone 505 | |
Pantone 509 | |
Pantone 500 | |
Pantone 502 | |
Pantone 506 | |
Pantone 507 | |
Pantone 508 | |
Pantone 501 | |
Pantone 502 | |
Pantone 503 | |
Pantone 504 | |
Pantone 507 | |
Pantone 500 |
Pantone 250 | |
Pantone 508 | |
Pantone 501 | |
Pantone 5075 | |
Pantone 244 | |
Pantone 246 | |
Pantone 250 | |
Pantone 2582 | |
Pantone 259 | |
Pantone 2607 | |
Pantone 263 | |
Pantone 264 | |
Pantone 265 | |
Pantone 266 | |
Pantone 2665 | |
Pantone 5006 | |
Pantone 5007 | |
Pantone 5016 | |
Pantone 5017 | |
Pantone 5018 | |
Pantone 5026 | |
Pantone 5050 | |
Pantone 507 | |
Pantone 509 | |
Pantone 283 | |
Pantone 284 | |
Pantone 285 | |
Pantone 286 | |
Pantone 290 | |
Pantone 292 | |
Pantone 293 | |
Pantone 294 | |
Pantone 297 | |
Pantone 298 | |
Pantone 2985 | |
Pantone 299 | |
Pantone 300 | |
Pantone 301 | |
Pantone 304 | |
Pantone 306 | |
Pantone 310 | |
Pantone 3105 | |
Pantone 312 | |
Pantone 3125 | |
Pantone 313 | |
Pantone 3145 | |
Pantone 3165 | |
Pantone 317 | |
Pantone 350 | |
Pantone 350 | |
Pantone 324 | |
Pantone 350 | |
Pantone 3285 | |
Pantone 3292 |
Pantone 331 | |
Pantone 333 | |
Pantone 335 | |
Pantone 337 | |
Pantone 339 | |
Pantone 340 | |
Pantone 3405 | |
Pantone 3415 | |
Pantone 346 | |
Pantone 347 | |
Pantone 348 | |
Pantone 351 | |
Pantone 353 | |
Pantone 354 | |
Pantone 358 | |
Pantone 360 | |
Pantone 361 | |
Pantone 365 | |
Pantone 367 | |
Pantone 368 | |
Pantone 370 | |
Pantone 374 | |
Pantone 375 | |
Pantone 376 | |
Pantone 382 | |
Pantone 386 | |
Pantone 386 | |
Pantone 399 | |
Pantone 400 | |
Pantone 401 | |
Pantone 402 | |
Pantone 406 | |
Pantone 408 | |
Pantone 409 | |
Pantone 450 | |
Pantone 450 | |
Pantone 450 | |
Pantone 424 | |
Pantone 450 | |
Pantone 428 | |
Pantone 429 | |
Pantone 430 | |
Pantone 431 | |
Pantone 432 | |
Pantone 434 | |
Pantone 435 | |
Pantone 436 | |
Pantone 437 | |
Pantone 440 | |
Pantone 4505 | |
Pantone 451 | |
Pantone 452 | |
Pantone 4525 | |
Pantone 4535 |
Pantone 454 | |
Pantone 458 | |
Pantone 459 | |
Pantone 464 | |
Pantone 465 | |
Pantone 4655 | |
Pantone 466 | |
Pantone 468 | |
Pantone 469 | |
Pantone 470 | |
Pantone 471 | |
Pantone 472 | |
Pantone 473 | |
Pantone 475 | |
Pantone 479 | |
Pantone 480 | |
Pantone 481 | |
Pantone 482 | |
Pantone 484 | |
Pantone 485 | |
Pantone 486 | |
Pantone 488 | |
Pantone 489 | |
Pantone 490 | |
Pantone 492 | |
Pantone 493 | |
Pantone 500 | |
Pantone 550 | |
Pantone 550 | |
Pantone 524 | |
Pantone 550 | |
Pantone 528 | |
Pantone 535 | |
Pantone 536 | |
Pantone 537 | |
Pantone 541 | |
Pantone 542 | |
Pantone 5425 | |
Pantone 5435 | |
Pantone 544 | |
Pantone 5445 | |
Pantone 548 | |
Pantone 5483 | |
Pantone 549 | |
Pantone 5493 | |
Pantone 5497 | |
Pantone 550 | |
Pantone 5503 | |
Pantone 5507 | |
Pantone 552 | |
Pantone 5550 | |
Pantone 562 | |
Pantone 563 | |
Pantone 5767 |
Pantone 583 | |
Pantone 617 | |
Pantone 630 | |
Pantone 631 | |
Pantone 632 | |
Pantone 649 | |
Pantone 650 | |
Pantone 652 | |
Pantone 678 | |
Pantone 679 | |
Pantone 680 | |
Pantone 692 | |
Pantone 693 | |
Pantone 694 | |
Pantone 698 | |
Pantone 701 | |
Pantone 702 | |
Pantone 801 | |
Pantone 802 | |
Pantone 803 | |
Pantone 804 | |
Pantone 805 | |
Pantone 806 | |
Pantone Black 4 | |
Pantone Black 6 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 1 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 2 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 3 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 4 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 5 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 6 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 7 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 8 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 9 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 10 | |
Pantone Cool Gray 11 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 1 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 2 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 3 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 4 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 5 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 6 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 7 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 8 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 9 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 10 | |
Pantone Warm Gray 11 | |
Pantone Warm Red 2X |